I'm a nice person to chat with and I'm quite the art appreciator. I love artwork of all kinds and I appreciate the work that every artist puts towards their always improving skills. It's amazing to see how hard a artist works to showing a unique image to everyone. Bring something that couldn't be possible without their help. It's like community service, every artists does something for their community to showing everyone the wonderfulness of artwork everywhere. So being a fan of artwork, I will do anything to help support them in any way. Commenting, chatting, faving, donating, commissioning, etc.
Being the owner of the beautiful scientist, Zero Confidence. I'm so proud of her and all the artwork that's done of her. It was 2009 when I spent a lot of time on DA, looking for artists that do requests, commissioning arts, winning a kirban or two, etc. Even now I try my best to dabble with art here and there. I edit, color, I make mannequins, and I'm trying to draw also. Today there's over 100 artworks of my character, with more on the way as time goes on. Thank you everyone! Your all Awesome! Ha ha!
Current Residence: United States
Favourite genre of music: classical or just songs from anime
Favourite cartoon character: Rikku FF10 & Yuffie FF7
Personal Quote: Only human. Don't believe in something, know it for a fact.
Happy birthday🎂
Happy birthday🎂
Happy Birthday.
Just want to apologize for what happened in DMs
hey x3
hello, I've thought about something you would like to color from my post