Flushed Away OC Anastasia JamesMorganTheFandomNerd on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/morganthefandomnerd/art/Flushed-Away-OC-Anastasia-James-968906678MorganTheFandomNerd

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Flushed Away OC Anastasia James



Here's my OC for Flushed Away! This is Anastasia, the younger sister of Roddy (Yeah, Roddy looked too lonely before he meet Rita)

Name: Anastasia James
Movie: Flushed Away
Voice Actress: Kelly McDonald 

Inspirations: Rarity (MLP), Rapunzel (Tangled), Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Anya/Anastasia (Anastasia),
Other Names: Anna 
Personality: Kind, Easy-Going, Graceful, Sensitive, Stubborn, Smart, Curious, Caring, Adventurous, Loyal, Feisty, Practical

AppearanceSlender, Petite, Wavy Black Hair, Black Eyes
Occupation: N/A
Home: England

Relatives: Roddy (Older Brother)
Species: Mouse 

Allies: Roddy, Rita, Sid, Spike and Whitey (Currently), Slugs
Enemies: The Toad, Le Frog, Spike and Whitey (Formally), Ladykiller, Thimblenose, Barry
Birthday: December 12th

Height: Smaller Then Roddy
Likes: Reading Magazines, Fashion, Going On Adventures, Treasure Hunting, Painting Her Nails 
Dislikes: Le Toad, The Frog, The Sewer (Formally), Her Brother's Loneliness, The Slugs Singing At The Worst Times

Powers and Abilities: N/A
Weapons: Anything In The Sewer
Fate: Stays In The Sewer With Her Brother
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1314x2060px 557.08 KB
© 2023 - 2025 MorganTheFandomNerd
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Detective88's avatar

personally, Roddy being alone is the purpose of his character. He originally was supposed to have two butlers, but the producers want him to be alone to add more depth.

Him having a sister is nice, as in real life, pet rodents most likely have to have a casemate