Mourning the Green RangerLightspeedPhoenix on DeviantArt

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Mourning the Green Ranger



DISCLAIMER: Power Rangers was created by Haim Saban

:iconwolfblade111: created the MMPR Red render used here. 

Rest in Paradise 

Jason David Frank. 

September 4, 1973- November 20, 2022

So in light of recent news...   usually I upload three pieces for my universe. Maybe four if I am lucky.  I may upload one for Kevin Conroy later tonight. But for now, this will do. Okay, Eric Meyers is my number 1 Sixth but Tommy comes as close a second. Yes, I admit I am a little tired of Power Rangers having Tommy in the limelight a lot but I admit he did it for fans. he made so many people smile. He lit the way for so many. He was well beloved by so many.  He led by example and helped so many children hone their skills and gain confidence in themselves. He made many smile in their darkest days. He inspired so many to get into martial arts and invented his own style. 

So here's a piece with the First Red Ranger mourning the loss of his best friend, a brother-in arms. May JDF say hello to those who died in years, Thuy, his brother, and so many more we've celebrated and loved. Let us make sure our legendary dragon is laid to rest with honor and may he find peace wherever he goes. 

We need to do our best to honor the many we lose. Live our best. Take yourselves time to grieve and let others fall free and cry as well.

Death doesn't mean they're gone. They're gone if we forget them. They live on in our hearts, memories and dreams. As long as that still exists, we keep them alive. We keep their spark and legacy alive by honoring them. Those who die don't want us to mourn for too long, they want us to keep going and succeed in what we do.  Celebrate their lives as they would celebrate ours. They watch over us and guard us from what lurks in the dark. As much as I want to hate death. She has taken too many from me in my personal life, but that's her job.Death isn't evil either, it is just part of life. We can't fight what's part of nature.

I know many of us who are Ranger fans who loved our mighty Green Ranger/White Ranger, create something you feel honors his memory and push forward. Say a prayer, draw something, anything to make keep that hero alive.

Also, I lay this message here, seek a suicide hotline if you or a friend need it the most. Check on them. One will never know if the happiest of friends may hide the saddest of demons they could never fight. Make sure your friends or yourself get help if they're on that precipice. Always have that number on hand. Always let yourself be loved. Let that love shine brighter than the demons that may win. Always reach out. never be afraid to. There is someone to be your lightning rod to keep you stable and to make sure you are alive and have much to live for. 
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