Seto Kaiba Motivatorkjstyles2x-treme on DeviantArt

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kjstyles2x-treme's avatar

Seto Kaiba Motivator



Yer, everyone who loves and watches yugioh knows that Seto Kaiba NEVER SMILES..... ok maybe once or twice

but its sooooo rare that whenever he does smile a puppy dies

another time when he smiles is when he gets an erection after seeing someone play an Egyptian God Card

seriously he gets a huge grin on his face, and the only reason the camera is so close to his face isnt to get a look at his grin, its so everyone wont see the bulge in his pants

but I digress

Seto Kaiba (C) Kazuki Takahashi
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750x600px 55.53 KB
© 2009 - 2025 kjstyles2x-treme
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FantasyDragonArt514's avatar
Kaiba called Joey a dog. Is Kaiba trying to kill Joey by smiling?!?!?!?