Girlfriend – Version 1.25 – Added Android Port [By Paola]

Info: In this immersive game, you’ll step into the shoes of a young software engineer working at a computer company.
After three years of engagement, you make the big decision to move in with your fiancée.
The story unfolds from the moment you introduce the house to your future in-laws.
As you progress through the game,
you’ll uncover hidden truths and face crucial decisions that could change the course of your life.
With various narrative paths to explore, including NTR, cuckoldry,
and even the option to pursue a Harem route, every choice you make will shape your character’s journey.
Get ready to immerse yourself in a captivating narrative filled with twists and unexpected surprises.
Are you prepared to discover what fate has in store for you?”​

Date: 01.03.2025
Language: English
Version: 1.25
Censored: No

1. Extract and run.

Download links
Download for Windows Download from Ranoz Download from Fastt Download from Qiwi Download from AkiraBox Download from Mega Download from Racaty
Download for MAC Download from Workupload Download from Racaty Download from Aupfile
Download for Android Download from Ranoz Download from Qiwi Download from ApkBox Download from TeraBox Download from Apkadmin Download from Aupfile

Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , File size: 1000 mb Creators:

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34 responses to “Girlfriend – Version 1.25 – Added Android Port [By Paola]”

  1. Mario says:

    Android version please

  2. peter says:

    good game so far lets hope dev doesnt stuff it up by making the wife a slutty cow. stick with choices that work and it will be fine. force NTR shit on folks and they will ditch it quickly.

  3. Cas says:

    He gives you the false promise of a harem route, it’s only NTR. cheating and cuckold. Not one choice leads you to harem.

  4. vendetta says:

    Muy bueno sigue asi , pero añadele una buena actualisacion ahora mismo es muy muy corto

  5. vendetta says:

    El juego esta genial pero esta ultima actualisacion a sido muy pobre en contenido , y encima el contenido nuevo no trae ningun protagonismo a la esposa del MC que es la que le tiene que poner los cuernos , no se , creo que puede mejorar pero tienen que añadir mas contenido con la esposa del MC y no tanto con las otras chicas , es mi opinion .

  6. Ypsa says:

    Andriod version plizz

  7. Gray21 says:

    No start game?

  8. Jahrule says:

    No start button on Android version. Must be out of frame. Can’t play

  9. eatnapeach says:

    Great game. Nee Android update

  10. Ypsa says:

    Android plizz

  11. Timus says:

    Android version please

  12. Abrar says:

    Android port missing

  13. iuahsdfj says:

    No start button on Android version. Must be out of frame. Can’t play

  14. Kodomo says:

    Where is the Android port?

  15. xolper says:

    good game but the last update is of no interest, we’re directing you to the same guy too bad there’s a lack of disgusting fat, old guys
    spicy story the story of the blonde princess
    and the mother you can do nothing except know that she is getting fucked by a poor guy who fucks everyone

  16. Tankkiller says:

    Great game, thank you. I only wish it was much longer. Kitchen scenes with plumber and electricians could have been more frequent and more erotic when the husband not around.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Could use a walkthrough.

    • Tankkiller says:

      Most consequences are either shown or can be simply guessed but I suggest you save for every decision because there is no BACK button to go back and change it.

  18. Lastman34 says:

    Dostum, Başlatma butonun yok! UI ayarlarını her ekrana uygun olacak şekilde ayarla!

  19. Jack says:

    Android version start option not showing fix this

  20. Loko al incesto says:

    Siguen sin resolver el problema del botón de inicio del juego para androide, parece que no tienen ganas de trabajar pues no hacen nada para arreglarlo, no se para que digo nada si después quieren que uno siga jugando y al final hacen mierda y no las arreglan. Admin deja de estar comiendo mierda y arregla el botón de inicio del juego en androide que no sale y no es primera vez que te lo dicen, atiende tu trabajo.

  21. Anuxis says:

    I cant find play.

  22. Luserfucker says:

    The most ridiculous and awful thing in the world! Idiots..!

  23. nun digo says:

    The Downloads are for the game “My NEW girlfriend”, not for the game “GIRLFRIEND”.

  24. eatnapeach says:

    Uh android please

  25. Luserfucker says:

    Fuck your way.. you can’t be a man! When someone else fucks your wife, you like it, right? Admit it!

  26. scott troyce says:

    is this an update?

  27. scott troyce says:

    this an update from where she was with mustapha? anyone?

  28. wildstan says:

    the game si INCREDIBLE , a very good story. i liked it when she did it with her ex, but the husband saw it on pictures and videos. Last update , i don´t like much that she did it with the brother of mustafa ( no trying to be a good wife, only says after 30 min and they were alreadey bussy)
    only my opinion, bit more with old guys trying to get her and still trying to be a good wife.
    but i must say , one of the best games i played. congrats

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