Plague Reference 2020SaviorKing on DeviantArt

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Plague Reference 2020



Howdy, I hate Eclipse lol I don't think I'll be posting much here anymore because my dumb*** self can't navigate anything

Anyway 'bout time he got a regen, with a few minor detail changes he is still basically the same as always :)

Name: Plague
Gender: male
Species: unknown serpent creature
Age: unknown
Height: 8'5ft roughly
Length: 10 meters (tail)
Nationality: British English
Location: England
Personality: devious and manipulative, hides well in the shadows to ambush prey, ravenous and almost animalistic when it comes to his hunger, bloodthirsty and vicious

Plague, or "the Plague Snake", is a monster of unknown origin, first documented around the time of the Great Plague in the mid 1600s. he has since been somewhat of a myth or urban legend told to sick people, to take their medication otherwise the "Plague Snake" will hunt for them. Though in reality Plague doesn't have a set target, he will devour anyone or anything that invades his home, which is anything from abandoned hospitals or asylums, to graveyards.

Character and art belong to me
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© 2020 - 2025 SaviorKing
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TomboyJessie13's avatar

First of all: Me to, but i'm sticking around until the site folds

And secondly: This dude is badass