Showing posts with label progress report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label progress report. Show all posts

Monday, 24 April 2023

Progress News

Hello again,

This is just a small post to let you know that I'm still working on the update. Progress hasn't been going too well, but if I'm unable to get the update into a version that's ready for release by the end of this weekend, I'll put together whatever I have and release it on Monday.

Sorry again for how long it's taking me to get this version released, and thank you all for your support and patience. I'll see you again in the next post, which will either be over the weekend or by this time next week at the latest.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Progress News

Hello again,

This is just a quick post to let you all know that I'm still working on this next update, and while I've made progress over this past week, I'm still a little ways off getting this next version finished. So far I've added a bank to Dominion and Elis, expanded Vicky's content, added an internal map for Pix's gym and added a new character to it, and added a few other minor things. I'm still working on the main quest content, but once finished it'll have added a new internal map for the Enforcer station in Elis, a couple of new characters, and an area to fight through which involves these characters.

To avoid disappointment, I'm still not going to give a release date for this next version, but I'm doing my best to get it finished as soon as I can. I'll make another progress news post by the end of the weekend, and will also make another artwork poll tomorrow. Thank you all so much for your support and continued interest in Lilith's Throne. I'll do my best to make this version worth the wait!

Saturday, 11 March 2023

Progress news (Delay...)

Hello again,

First of all, the bad news is that I'm going to have to delay v0.4.8's release by another week. I know that I said I was aiming to get the release out tonight, but writing content always takes longer than I expect, and as such I haven't managed to get this version into a state that's ready for release just yet. I've still got quite a lot of writing left to do for the next stage of the main quest, and while I'm tempted to say that I'll delay this version by just a few days, past experience tells me that it will take longer than that, so I'm now aiming to have this version released at around this time next week (evening of Saturday 18th). Sorry for leaving it until the last minute to make this post...

The good news is that I'm very confident that I'll get everything done in time for next week, so there really shouldn't be another delay. I know that I always say that, and maybe I'm being overconfident again, but I really do think that I'll have everything ready for v0.4.8 by then.

Thank you all once again for your support and patience, and I'll do my very best to make sure that there really won't be any further delays!

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

More Progress News

Hello again,

Sorry once again for how long it's taking me to get this update out. I'm still working on it, but things have been going slowly due to complete chaos in my life at the moment. I will definitely have the preview out by the end of this month, and then the full update out a couple of weeks after that. I'll try to get another progress post out next week to hopefully give you more details on what's going to be in this version. Sorry again for the lack of progress recently, and I'll see you again soon.

Monday, 2 January 2023

Progress News

Hello again, and Happy New Year!

Unfortunately, I don't have much progress to report since the last post, as I ended up having a lot more family stuff going on than expected over the Yule period. As such, I'm still a couple of weeks off having this next update finished. Sorry about how long it's taking me to get out, but I'll be back to work on it starting from tomorrow, and will do my best to get the update out to you as soon as I can!

I hope you all had a good time over the festive period, and I'll see you again in the next progress news post (which should be some time towards the end of this week). Thank you all so much for your patience and support!

Saturday, 17 December 2022

Progress News

Hello again!

I'm sorry about how long it's been since my last post; I ended up getting a bit of a mental block while adding content, and so progress has been a little slow. As such, I didn't really have too much to say. It's looking like this update is going to take me a while longer, and so I just wanted to make this post to let you know that the preview likely won't be out for another two weeks.

Sorry about how long this is taking; I'm doing my best to get this next update done, and I'll make another progress post next week to let you know how things are going. Thank you all for your patience and support!

Friday, 14 October 2022

Progress News

Hello again!

Since the release of v0.4.6.3, I've been working on merging PRs (pull requests) from github, as well as fixing some bugs and getting a few other things implemented. I still have more PRs to merge, as well as getting some third party content added, so the preview release of v0.4.6.5 won't be out for at least another couple of days. I'm aiming to get it released by the evening of Tuesday 18th at the latest, so I'll see you again then!

Thank you all so much once again for your patience and support!

Edit (Tuesday 18th): I'm sorry, but I've been unwell over the past few days and so haven't yet managed to get this preview release ready. I'll get it out to you as soon as I possibly can.

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Progress News

Hello again, this is just a small progress post to keep you updated on what I'm working on.

So, since the preview release, I've been working on fixing bugs, adding tail ovipositor support, and getting several other minor things added. I'm planning on getting more bugs fixed over the next few days, after which I'm going to focus on getting pull requests merged from github, and then adding some other third party content that's been on the todo list for a while.

I'm still planning on getting the next public update (v0.4.6) released by next Friday, 23rd, although as with all of my release estimates, this may change. I'll make another post around the middle of next week to let you know how things are going, and I'll give you an updated release date estimate then.

Thank you all so much once again for your support, and I'll see you again soon!

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Progress News

Hello again,

This is just a very small post to keep you updated on how things are going towards the next version's release. So, to get on with it, I'm currently just slightly behind where I wanted to be right now. I'm not entirely sure that I'll be able to get all of the planned content finished by Friday evening as I'd hoped, but if not, then it will only be one day late. So, to be safe, I'll say that this next update will be out on the evening of Saturday, 19th.

Sorry about this small delay; I'll do my best to get the tavern content all completely finished for this release, after which I'll be moving on to finally get more main story content added. Thank you all once again for your continued interest in Lilith's Throne, and I'll see you in a few days with v0.4.4!

Saturday, 4 December 2021

Progress News


Once again I'm sorry about the delay and lack of progress posts since the last release; I've been going through some quite turbulent times in my life over the past couple of months, with a recent event in particular making it very difficult for me to get much work done on Lilith's Throne. Despite this recent lack of progress, I'm still completely committed to the game's development, and I expect to be back to working at full pace within the next couple of days.

As it currently stands, the preview version of v0.4.2.5 is still a way off from being ready for release. I still have to add and write the content for the shopkeepers in Elis, so I'm not expecting to have it ready until next weekend. Again I'm really sorry about these delays, and I'll do my best to catch up and get this version (and then the public one after) released as soon as I can.

Thank you all so much once again for your patience and understanding. This time I'll definitely make another post early next week to let you know how things are going, so I'll see you again then!

Tuesday, 26 October 2021


Hello once again,

I'm really sorry about how long this update is taking, and for the lack of communication. I've had a really rough time over the past month or so, and progress on Lilith's Throne has greatly suffered as a result of that. There's no excuse for me not to have kept you updated on this via progress posts, and so all I can do is apologise for not keeping you all in the loop regarding this situation.

On a brighter note, I think that I'm really starting to get past the bad times, and so I'll be able to get into the right frame of mind for writing content once again. I'll get as many placeholders fully written as I can over this week (for Monica and Evelyx's Dairy Farm), and I'll put out the public release of v0.4.2 at some point over this weekend. Even if it's not in a fully completed state, I'll still stick to that weekend release date, as it's been so long since the last update that I feel I really need to get something released, even if it's not 100% finished.

Sorry again for the poor performance over this past month, and I'll do my best to get back on track and get more content made for you all to enjoy.

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Final Progress Report Before 0.4

Hello again,

As I thought might be the case, I'm going to need a few extra days before I can get this next version ready for release. Adding maps and writing place descriptions has taken me a lot longer than I expected, and so with some of the main quest and encounter content still needing to be written, I'll try and wrap things up into placeholders and get at least something released to you by either Friday or (more likely) Saturday night.

Sorry again for the slight delay, but there won't be any more delays before 0.4 is released. Even if I'm not totally happy with some of the content still being placeholders, I figure that it's better at this stage to get at least something released to you and then focus on fleshing it out in 0.4.1.

Anyway, I'll see you again in three or four days!

(Edit: It will be late on Saturday night!)

Saturday, 24 April 2021

Not quite ready...

Hello again,

Once again I underestimated how long it takes to write content, and as a result I don't quite have version 0.4 ready for release tonight. I've got all of the dialogue for the places in Elis done, and I've got the framework and some of the writing for the Meraxis & demonic centaur content pretty much ready, but I'm going to need a little longer in which to get that finished off.

I'll make another post on Tuesday night, by which time I'll either have the release ready or be in a state where I can spend an extra day or two getting placeholders roughly filled out. No matter if it ends up having placeholder content in it or not, I'll definitely have this version released by this time next week (hopefully before).

Although I've tried my best not to apologise in the recent progress report posts, I am sorry for how long this is taking me to get to released!

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Another Progress Report (Almost there...)

Hello again!

This should (hopefully) be the last progress report before 0.4 is ready for release. I was aiming to have it ready for this weekend, but when adding the map of Elis this week, I decided to add it via a new external xml file framework, which then led into several other aspects of the game's code needing to have external xml support as well (place types, encounters, and dialogue nodes). Although it cost me most of this week to get this implemented, these new frameworks will allow me to add modding support for new content in v0.4.1 (with just modded NPCs left as a requirement before that can be added).

Next week

Now that I've got the map of Elis (and the new framework) added, all that's left for me to do is to get some writing finished and some new scenes added. I'm hoping that will take me no more than 3-4 days, but as ever with development something unexpected might crop up and set me back a little. Regardless of whether that turns out to be the case or not, I'll make the next post no later than Friday night.

Thank you all for your patience, and it really won't be long now until 0.4 is released!

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Progress Report

Hello again everyone,

While I haven't got 0.4 ready for release just yet, I thought that it would be a good idea to make this post to keep you updated on how things are progressing so far, as well as to share the results of an artwork poll which I held over on SubscribeStar.

As mentioned in my previous post, I spent the start of this week planning out and testing some changes to the way the world map works. The basic idea was to change the world map's tile system into a region-based travel system, which should make exploration and triggering encounters more straightforward. Implementing such a change would take me at least a few days, however, and so I've decided to put that on hold until after 0.4 is released.

Other than that, I've been planning out and writing Fields content. There's still a lot for me to do on that front, but I really should be approaching a stable version for release either at the end of this next week or the start of the next. I won't give a precise release date, but if I don't have 0.4 ready in a week's time then I should definitely have an accurate estimate for how much longer it's going to take. I'll also include the updated patch notes in next week's post (there's not too much extra to see right now).

Artwork poll results

The results of the poll which I held last week to determine the next character to get commissioned artwork of are as follows:

Winner: Epona (65 votes)
2nd place: Blaze (26 votes)
3rd place: Kalahari (25 votes)

As such, I'll commission artwork of Epona from Jam next!

Next week

I'll be continuing to work on Fields content over this next week. I'll start by finishing off the demonic centaur encounter which I've been working on, which is a prerequisite to adding the town of Elis and the first meeting with its lilin mayor, Minotallys. I'm also hoping to get a couple more Fields characters added before the end of the week, which will (hopefully) put me in a place where I'm ready for the release of 0.4.

Thank you all for your continued interest in Lilith's Throne, and I'll see you in the next post!

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Progress News

Hello again!

This is just a small post to let you know how development is going towards version 0.4. I've been mainly working on getting bugs fixed and other minor things implemented since the last release, as well as getting started on the fields content. I tried to rework the way the main map works (to see if I could implement a different sort of encounter/location system), but unfortunately it didn't really work out in the end, so I had to revert to where I was before, losing a couple of days in the process...

Due in part to that setback, as well as needing to take a couple of days off to have a break, I'm still about a week or two away from getting the next update out. As it's been so long since a public release, I think I'm going to try to get a few small things implemented and get it out as quickly as possible, rather than trying to get a whole load of content added (which would probably take me longer than two weeks...).

So, in conclusion, I'm going to aim for getting the public update of 0.4 out by the end of this weekend, although it might not have as much content as you'd hoped for. After releasing that version, I'll move on to making a quick update to it to try and get some more content added.

Sorry about my lack of communication, and I'll do my best to make another update post at the end of this week (and hopefully the release a couple of days later)!

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

More Progress News

Hello again,

This is just a small post to let you all know that I'm still working on the race refactoring and modding support. It's taking me a lot longer to get implemented than I'd initially planned, but there really isn't too much left for me to do now. I'm hoping to have something ready to push to github by the end of this week or the start of the next one. After that, I'll spend a week or so adding some Fields content before making a public release of v0.4.

Once again, I'm sorry for how long this is taking me to get done.

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Progress News

Hello again,

This is just a small post to keep you all updated on how things are progressing and what's left for me to get done for v0.4's release.

As you most likely already know, I'm currently working on adding support for race modding. This isn't just so that modders will be able to add new races, however, as I'm using this time to completely finish off all of the remaining framework that I'll need for all future race support.

So far, I've managed to implement support for racial items (equine cider, bread roll, etc.) to be added via modding, and have moved all of the current racial food and drink items out into external xml files as part of this. I've also added tail length modifications, which is one of the last features which were missing from the game's transformation options (along with the ability to grow a second penis, but that might have to be added at a later date).

What I'm going to be focusing on over the next few days is adding full in-game support (mainly sex positioning, clothing detection, and status effects) for the other leg configurations: long tail (lamia); short tail (mermaid); arachnid (arachne); cephalopod (octopus). I'll then be adding support for modded combat moves (so modded races can have unique moves), and definitions for aquatic/nocturnal races (to automatically give relevant status effects when in water/on land and in light/dark areas). I'll then finally add support for ferals, although it's not likely that they'll be fully functional in v0.4.

After all of those final racial improvements have been implemented, I'll move on to adding support for xml-defined races, subspecies, and body parts. Over the last few months, I've been refactoring the way in which body parts are defined in the code, so it shouldn't take me too long to get this done.

Finally, I'll add a new modded race as an example (hyenas), and then I'll get v0.4 released. I really want to get this out to you as soon as possible, so I'll leave the planned Fields and main quest content for the version after v0.4.

I'll make another progress post at the end of the weekend to let you all know how things have gone. Thank you all once again for your feedback and bug reports in the comments!

Sunday, 19 July 2020

Progress News

Hello once again,

I just wanted to make this small post to let you know that things are progressing relatively well, and that the planned release of v0.3.9 will still be on the night of this Wednesday, 22nd.

What you can expect in this update will be the finished version of the Rat Warrens, bug fixes, an update to the summonable-Elemental mechanics, and the spa room upgrade to be added. There are still quite a few other things which I'd like to get added, but I'll roll those into v0.3.9.5, after which I'll (finally) get started on adding the Fields content in v0.4.

Thank you all for your feedback and bug reports in the comments, and I'll see you again on Wednesday night (or in the early hours of Thursday morning)!

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Version Progress Update

Hello again,

After fixing some bugs introduced in the last version, I got a little side-tracked with adding the long-awaited 'Complain' action at the stocks in Slaver Alley. Although I initially intended it to be a simple affair in which you could get locked up in a repeatable stocks sex scene, I ended up getting carried away and added quite a few scenes as well as a new unique NPC.

Due to this, I ran out of time in which to work on Helena's romance quest and the size-difference content, but I'm planning on getting that added for an updated preview version, v0.3.6.8, which I hope to have released by Sunday. After that, I'll add the Enforcer encounter scenes for the public release, which I'm currently expecting to be out around the 7th of February.

There are also still quite a few bugs that I need to get fixed from v0.3.6, but none of them (that I'm aware of) are game-breaking. In any case, the vast majority of them will be sorted out for v0.3.6.8. I'll also make sure that I've filled in the placeholders for at least Vengar's and Murk's content in the Gambling den (after completing Axel's quest).

Sorry once again for how this version has rolled over past my expected release date. I'll do my best to keep v0.3.6.8 and v0.3.7 on schedule!

I package and release these in-between preview builds for backers over on my SubscribeStar, but anyone can play them at any time by building them directly from the public github (which is always kept up to date with the very latest version):
(There's a build tutorial here.)

IMPORTANT: If you're building through github, you'll now need to place the 'liliths-throne-public/res' folder in the same directory as the exported .jar!

ALSO IMPORTANT: Make sure you build from 'dev' branch, as 'master' won't be updated until the v0.3.7 release.

v0.3.6.4 Patch Notes

  • Engine/Code:
    • Fixed issue with incorrect line endings at the top of most files.
      Moved remaining Slaver Alley dialogue into the external .txt file.
      Tidied up virginity loss code.
      The 'companion' parser target has been shortened to 'com', and should now work correctly in conditional statements.
  • Gameplay:
    • Added content for the 'Complain' action in Slaver Alley's public stocks tile, which includes a new unique Enforcer NPC. (There are some additional dialogue variations for if Brax is in your party.)
  • Other:
    • The 'Tail swipe' combat move is now available to anyone who has a prehensile tail which has a girth of at least 'thick'.
      Alligator-morph tails are now considered to be suitable for penetrative actions.
      Added ability to have your companion join in on sex with slaves locked up in the stocks in Slaver Alley.
      Added 'sandy' as a covering colour.
      Slightly improved slovenly speech parsing.
      Gave Helena a new surname and some clothes to wear.
      Level drain option now defaults to 'off' in sex scenes which include your companion, slaves, or friendly occupants.
      Scarlett and Brax can now have their levels drained via the use of the 'Orgasmic level drain' once they've been enslaved.
      Added kissing interaction availability to 'mating press' + 'lying down' positions, and anilingus availability to 'face between legs' + 'lying down' positions.
      Added 'phoenix-harpy' subspecies, which is just a harpy with glowing red, orange, or yellow feathers. They can only be found naturally spawning in the Harpy Nests as an extremely rare chance.
  • Bugs:
    • Numerous parsing fixes (most of them in the new Rat Warrens dialogue).
      Feminising Murk will now correctly give her a vagina. (Fix is also retroactively applied if you've already feminised him.)
      Fixed tail girth description in selfie/character viewer not updating to describe the character's actual tail girth.
      Disabled unique position switching actions in stocks sex when there were more than two participants, as it was causing some issues. (You can still change position as the dom using the more in-depth position selection action.)
      Quick sex now correctly takes into account each participant's banned areas. (i.e. In slaver alley stocks sex, the slave's orifices which are banned will be excluded from quick sex.)
      Fixed more issues of quick sex ignoring the availability of sex areas.
      Quick sex will no longer apply level drain to targets who should be immune (i.e. unique characters).
      Characters with the deflowering fetish now correctly gain experience from taking virginities in quick sex.
      Removed line in alleyway demon encounter which suggested that the demon grows a cock when you offer yourself to her.
      Fixed bug where companions would go to work while being held as a captive (bug was present in the Rat Warrens loss scenes).
      Parsing and dialogue flow fixes in scene where you get sent to the cells after losing in the Enforcer Warehouse.
      Fixed bug in the post-loss Enforcer Warehouse cells scene, where you'd remain in the Enforcer HQ's cells after you were supposed to have been escorted outside by Claire.
      Fixed inactive 'Continue' button being shown after Claire has warned you about the SWORD Enforcers in the Warehouse.
      Your clothing now correctly gets unequipped when locked into the stocks (in the Enforcer Warehouse loss scene).
      Fixed post-sex stretching information referring to every stretched orifice as the character's 'asshole', instead of the correct orifice.
      Fixed issue with Helena returning to her nest when she should have been in Scarlett's Shop in Slaver Alley.
      Fixed some minor issues with dialogue flow when talking to Candi and when getting the Lipsticks from Ralph (as part of the 'Buying Brax' quest).
      Fixed awkward phrasing of the exhibitionist fetish's short description.
      Quick sex should now display correct behaviour for if a sex scene is meant to end in a creampie or not.
      Fixed issue with quick sex where it would sometimes throw a background error and not work.
      Fixed bug in quick sex where characters with impregnation fetish would sometimes pull out of a partner willing to be impregnated.
      Fixed 'ready for birthing' status effect having a nonsensical description for taur characters.
      Fixed bug where you could request Claire's help in dealing with Vengar even after you'd completed his quest.
      Fixed incorrect parsing in combat when sadistic characters took lust damage from dealing damage to their target.
      Fixed bug where the breeder collar would spawn with a duplicate sealing enchantment.
      Fixed bug where Murk's dialogue in the Rat Warrens would still be working even after he'd meant to have been enslaved.
      Fixed Bree gaining a random colour for her vagina when undergoing her initial feminisation from Brax.
      Fixed issue where opening the positioning menu on the 'sitting' position would place both doms and subs into sitting slots.