[2021Ver.] PDFT Snow White Princess Stage DownloadDan1024 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dan1024/art/2021Ver-PDFT-Snow-White-Princess-Stage-Download-591179205Dan1024

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[2021Ver.] PDFT Snow White Princess Stage Download



13/01/2021 Update:
I spent a few days to update this stage that I made 5 years ago! The old version is just a texture-edited version from DT, not even the real PDFT stage Sweating a little... Sweating a little... Finally the real PDFT version comes!Heart 

This stage requires quite a lot of MME to make it look nice, please take a look at the ReadMe below before you start using the stage! :)

DL LINK: youtu.be/h5ZRbU7ys4k

Star!READ MEStar!
1. Please load all effects provided in the "MME" folder, including WorldSnow, Mirror, and Air_fog
2. Please set the effect orders and numeric settings according to the screenshots inside each folder.
3. You may edit the parameters in the FX files if you want.
4. The mic is also included in the file, you may feel free to use that.

Bullet; Blue Rules:
1. MUST credit SEGA when you use!
2. No R18 usage
3. No commercial usage
4. Please credit me (Dan1024), and SEGA when you are using it

Bullet; Yellow Credits:
Modelling and textures: :iconsegaplz: SEGA
Ripping script: :iconminmode: minmode, Skyth, Rich Whitehouse, Chrrox
Fx: :iconkhoast40: khoast40 (MES40), BeammanP, 化身バレッタ
Ripping & Stage Animation: :icondan1024: Dan1024


1. MUSTMUSTMUSTMUST credit SEGA when you use!!!Meow :3 
2. No R18 usage PLZZZZZZZZ
3. No commercial usage PLZZZZZZZ
4. Please credit me (Dan1024), and SEGA when you are using it:)

Modelling and textures: SEGA
Ripping script: chrrox
Ripping & Post-Process: Dan1024


DL link in the video:

【PV風 MMD】好き!雪!本気マジック【Model,Stage DL/モデル,ステージ配布】 


Please enjoy yourself with the stage!!:D (Big Grin) 
Image size
3840x2160px 8.58 MB
© 2016 - 2025 Dan1024
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AmasakeRiu's avatar

Made video with this stage.


Great stage