[Homestuck] Temporal Split [+ SPEEDPAINT]Mollish on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mollish/art/Homestuck-Temporal-Split-SPEEDPAINT-787162976Mollish

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Mollish's avatar

[Homestuck] Temporal Split [+ SPEEDPAINT]



VIDEO LINK: youtu.be/PzrRDkwsBvg
Get this on redbubble: www.redbubble.com/people/molli…
Wow! Two speedpaints in one day??? The world must be about to end due to some kids who decided to play a video game or something! 
It's been a hot minute since I last drew anything remotely related to Homestuck. 
I've been listening to a lot of music from it lately and felt nostalgic for the fandom that really inspired me to start doing digital art. So, I decided to draw one of my old favorites, Davesprite! 
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3600x2767px 7.39 MB
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