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This is a complete remake of a Fakemon I had in my gallery from a little but ago. I think I've gotten a bit better at producing Pokemon looking art, better at drawing in general and I had a better vision of what the whole line would look like, so I decided I should redo this guy. I'm quite satisfied with the result. The stuff below is mostly repeated from the previous version:
No. 001 - Danditty (Dandelion + Kitty)
Weed Pokemon
Abilities - Overgrow //
Height - 1'03" / 0.4m
Weight - 12 lbs / 0.9kg
Pokedex Entry:
Despite being one of the most common house pets, Danditty are a source of serious allergies for many.
HP - 55
ATK - 45
DEF - 58
SPA - 55
SPD - 50
SPE - 55
TOTAL - 318
Notable Moves:
- Scratch
- Cotton Spore
- Stun Spore
- Grass Whistle
- Razor Leaf
Evolution Line:

No. 001 - Danditty (Dandelion + Kitty)
Weed Pokemon
Abilities - Overgrow //
Height - 1'03" / 0.4m
Weight - 12 lbs / 0.9kg
Pokedex Entry:
Despite being one of the most common house pets, Danditty are a source of serious allergies for many.
HP - 55
ATK - 45
DEF - 58
SPA - 55
SPD - 50
SPE - 55
TOTAL - 318
Notable Moves:
- Scratch
- Cotton Spore
- Stun Spore
- Grass Whistle
- Razor Leaf
Evolution Line:

Image size
9000x9000px 8.09 MB
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Level Up Moveset:
- Scratch
- Growl
3. Leafage
6. Tail Whip
9. Fury Swipes
12. Stun Spore
15. Razor Leaf
18. Bite
21. Roar
24. Cotton Spore
27. Leaf Tornado
30. Crunch
33. Grass Whistle
36. Nasty Plot
39. Leaf Storm